Speak Up

There are many opportunities for us all to express our demand for safer and healthier products. We know that April 18th will provide a great forum for passionate followers of this movement to convene and show the world we deserve better.

But in the meantime, there are some excellent resources that may inspire you to become more involved – by picking up your telephone, tapping on your keyboard or reaching out to your community.

A great place to start is by writing personal letters and calling the offices of our leaders in Washington who can influence the success of the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act (KSCA).

Senator Barbara Boxer is one of the six co-sponsors of the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act so please let her know how much you appreciate her efforts and stand behind her commitment to this issue.

District Office: 1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 240, San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 403-0100, email.

Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced a measure to ban Bisphenol A in food and beverage containers in March, 2009 so please let her know how much you appreciate her commitment to address the health issues associated with chemical exposures in everyday products and ask her to support the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act.

District Office: One Post Street, Suite 2450, San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 393-0707, email.

Representative Nancy Pelosi is one of the most influential women on the planet and her support of Kid-Safe Chemicals Act would lend extraordinary leverage into the many interests that would be impacted by this legislation. Thank her for championing the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act in July 2008 and watch this video displaying her support of protecting children from toxic exposures.

District Office: 450 Golden Gate Ave., 14th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 556-4862, email.

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Take Action page offers a range of options of how you can help spread the word that “safe is in and toxic is out.”

The Breast Cancer Fund has created an Action Center with a range of excellent initiatives, starting with a demand to our federal lawmakers to empower the FDA to regulate chemicals in our bath products, lotions and other cosmetics made for babies and children.

The Environmental Working Group also has an Action Center with access to their diverse social networking tools and content feeds in order to stay up-to-the-minute on environmental health news and advocacy.

Click here to sign the declaration